ࡱ> FHEa 'bjbj͚ 5<I\I\{24 4 8 D&tPPfffAAA&&&&&&&$(*f?&AAAAA?&ffT& A"ff& A& :%,%f@Ԭcb% &j&0&% *+ "*+%*+%8AA AAAAA?&?& AAA&AAAA*+AAAAAAAAA4 > r: THE TEAM-PLAYER SURVEY Purpose The Team-Player Survey will help you identify your style as a team player. The results will lead you to an assessment of your current strengths and provide a basis for a plan to increase your effectiveness as a team player. Teams may use the survey to develop a profile of team strengths and to discuss strategies for increasing team effectiveness. Directions First, this is a survey, and, therefore, there are no right or wrong answers. Please answer each item according to how you honestly feel you function now as a team member rather than how you used to be or how you would like to be. You will be asked to complete eighteen sentences. Each sentence has four possible endings. Please rank the endings in the order in which you feel each one applies to you. Place the number 4 next to the ending which is most applicable to you and continue down to a 1 next to the ending which is least applicable to you. For example: As a team member, I am usually most concerned about: ____ a. meeting high ethical standards. ____ b. reaching our goals. ____ c. meeting my individual responsibilities. ____ d. how well we are working together as a group. Please do not make ties or use 4, 3, 2, or 1 more than once. It is possible that some of the sentences will have two or more endings that apply to you or will have none that apply to you, but you should assume these are your only choices and rank them accordingly. Each set of endings must be ranked 4, 3, 2, and 1. Remember, 4 = most applicable; 1 = least applicable. THE TEAM-PLAYER SURVEY 1. During team meetings, I usually: ____ a. provide the team with technical data or information. ____ b. keep the team focused on our mission or goals. ____ c. make sure everyone is involved in the discussion. ____ d. raise questions about our goals or methods. 2. In relating to the team leader, I: ____ a. suggest that our work be goal directed. ____ b. try to help him or her build a positive team climate. ____ c. am willing to disagree with him or her when necessary. ____ d. offer advice based upon my area of expertise. 3. Under stress, I sometimes: ____ a. overuse humor and other tension-reducing devices. ____ b. am too direct in communicating with other team members. ____ c. lose patience with the need to get everyone involved in discussion. ____ d. complain to outsiders about problems facing the team. 4. When conflicts arise on the team, I usually: ____ a. press for an honest discussion of the differences. ____ b. provide reasons why one side or the other is correct. ____ c. lose patience with the need to get everyone involved in discussions. ____ d. try to break the tension with a supportive or humorous remark. 5. Other team members usually see me as: ____ a. factual. ____ b. flexible. ____ c. encouraging. ____ d. candid. 6. At times, I am: ____ a. too results oriented. ____ b. too laid-back. ____ c. self-righteous. ____ d. shortsighted. 7. When things go wrong on the team, I usually: ____ a. push for increased emphasis on listening, feedback, and participation. ____ b. press for a candid discussion of our problems. ____ c. work hard to provide more and better information. ____ d. suggest that we revisit our basic mission. 8. A risky team contribution for me is to: ____ a. question some aspect of the teams work. ____ b. push the team to set higher performance standards. ____ c. work outside my defined role or job area. ____ d. provide other team members with feedback on their behavior as team members. 9. Sometimes other team members see me as: ____ a. a perfectionist. ____ b. unwilling to reassess the teams mission or goals. ____ c. not serious about getting the real job done. ____ d. a nitpicker. 10. I believe team problem solving requires: ____ a. cooperation by all team members. ____ b. high-level listening skills. ____ c. a willingness to ask tough questions. ____ d. good, solid data. 11. When a new team is forming, I usually: ____ a. try to meet and get to know other team members. ____ b. ask pointed questions about our goals and methods. ____ c. want to know what is expected of me. ____ d. seek clarity about our basic mission. 12. At times, I make other people feel: ____ a. dishonest because they are not able to be as confrontational as I am. ____ b. guilty because they dont live up to my standards. ____ c. small-minded because they dont think long-range. ____ d. heartless because they dont care about how people relate to each other. 13. I believe the role of the team leader is to: ____ a. ensure the efficient solution of business problems. ____ b. help the team establish long-range goals and short-term objectives. ____ c. create a participatory decision-making climate. ____ d. bring out diverse ideas and challenge assumptions. 14. I believe team decision should be based on: ____ a. the teams mission and goals. ____ b. a consensus of team members. ____ c. an open and candid assessment of the issues. ____ d. the weight of the evidence. 15. Sometimes I ____ a. see team climate as an end in itself. ____ b. play devils advocate far too long. ____ c. fail to see the importance of effective team process. ____ d. overemphasize strategic issues and minimize short-term task accomplishments. 16. People have often described me as: ____ a. independent. ____ b. dependable. ____ c. imaginative. ____ d. participative. 17. Most of the time, I am: ____ a. responsible and hardworking. ____ b. committed and flexible. ____ c. enthusiastic and humorous. ____ d. honest and authentic. 18. In relating to other team members, at times I get annoyed because they dont: ____ a. revisit team goals to check progress. ____ b. see the importance of working well together. ____ c. object to team actions with which they disagree. ____ d. complete their team assignments on time. TEAM-PLAYER SURVEY RESULTS Directions: Transfer your answers from the survey to the lines below. Please be careful when recording the numbers because the order of the letters changes for each question. For example, in question #1, the order is a, b, c, d, but in question #2, the order is d, a, b, c. The totals for the four styles must equal 180. Question Contributor Collaborator Communicator Challenger 1. a._______ b.________ c.__________ d._________ 2. d._______ a.________ b.__________ c._________ 3. c._______ d.________ a.__________ b._________ 4. b._______ c.________ d.__________ a._________ 5. a._______ b.________ c.__________ d._________ 6. d._______ a.________ b.__________ c._________ 7. c._______ d.________ a.__________ b._________ 8. b._______ c.________ d.__________ a._________ 9. a._______ b.________ c.__________ d._________ 10. d._______ a.________ b.__________ c._________ 11. c._______ d.________ a.__________ b._________ 12. b._______ c.________ d.__________ a._________ 13. a._______ b.________ c.__________ d._________ 14. d._______ a.________ b.__________ c._________ 15. c._______ d.________ a.__________ b._________ 16. b._______ c.________ d.__________ a._________ 17. a._______ b.________ c.__________ d._________ 18. d._______ a.________ b.__________ c._________ TOTALS ______ ______ ______ ______ = 180 The highest number designates your primary team-player style. If your highest numbers are the same or within three points of each other, consider them both as your primary style. The lowest total indicates your least active team-player style. Your primary team-player style defines a set of behaviors that you use most often as a member of a team. It does not mean that it is the only style you use. All of us have the capacity to use any one of the four styles. We simply use one style our primary style most often.     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